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Studio G14 is a collective of Italian designers founded in 1967 by
Gianfranco Facchetti, Umberto Orsoni, Gianni Pareschi, Pino Pensotti, Roberto Ubaldi.
In 1968, they join Ezio Didone and Alberto Colombi to form Gruppo DAM (Designer Associati Milano).
Together they created a range of innovative and daring design pieces produced by the Gruppo Industriale Busnelli in Misinto.
Among their most famous works were the « Libro » and the « Fiocco », both in the collection of the Moma in New York.
From 1972, Studio G14 replaces Gruppo DAM. The group progressively expands its activities strategical services including creative marketing and communication.
Among their clients were Alitalia and the Linate airport in Milan.
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